The Archive

The Archive

Links to other sections in The Archive

The Next Stage

The original project is now drawing to a close. However, there are various extensions which we are investigating. The way forward will require a new team to guide it. If you would like to be involved in any way, please Contact Us.

The Archive consists of 3 sections: Oral, Visual, & Written.

Each section has its own title page where you will be able to browse the items available. A search facility [bottom of the yellow section on the left] has been included for your convenience.

Copied material [programmes, year books, etc] will be in PDF format. Please follow this link should you need to install Adobe PDF Reader. [Be aware that McAfee Security Scan Plus will also be installed unless you remove the tick.]

Photograph galleries will show thumbnail [small] images. To see a larger version simply click on the thumnail. You can then use the side arrows on the large images to move from one photo to the next. If you click on the large image you will return to the thumbnail gallery.

All PDF documents amd photo galleries will open in a new tab.

To go to the relevant material, please click on the section headings or images below.

  • Written material which consists of:

  • Visual material:

    • Photographs;
    • Film & video clips.

  • Oral memories:

    • Selected clips can be heard online;
    • Most will have been transcribed into written format but still appear in this section.

  • The Gymnasium on St John's Road, Birkby

    This was the home of HC & AC [Huddersfield Cricket & Athletic Club] in the pre-Fartown days. The word 'Rugby' did not form part of the club's offical name for many years.
    The photo comes from an old Fartown Year Book courtesy of David Gronow.

    The 'Fartown Stone'

    This is the stone plinth outlined in the above photo. It was rescued by Ian Van Bellen when the building was demolished.
    After a few years travelling around, it is now in the care of the Giants at the Galpharm.
    The photo is courtesy of David Gronow.

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