

Peruse or download our Heritage Numbers by clicking HERE. [It is an Excel spreadsheet.]


Huddesfield In World War 1

You can purchase this book online here.

The Next Stage

The original project has now ended. However, there are various extensions which we are investigating. The way forward will require a new team to guide it. If you would like to be involved in any way, please Contact Us.

Welcome to the on-line home of the Huddersfield Giants Rugby League Heritage Project.

This project was made possible by a Heritage Lottery Grant of £100,000, awarded in May 2012. The project officially ended on the 31st January 2015, although its publications and website will continue beyond that date.

Find out more about the project.

Fortunately, the core of the group which has put in countless hours has decided to continue the project.

The way forward will require more members to replace those who, for whatever reason, are not available in the future. If you would like to be involved in any way, please Contact Us.

After viewing the site, if you have something which is not here, please photograph/scan it and send it to us via e-mail: webmaster @ HuddersfieldRLHeritage.co.uk (without spaces). [Scan documents as pdf if you are able; if not, we can convert them.]


Sorry, we've sold them all!

Huddersfield In World War 1

Click here to buy the book

2 sets of LIMITED EDITION cards:
1. Huddersfield Greats;
2. Fartown Giants.

Click here to buy the cards

The bulk of the site is taken up with an archive of written, oral, and visual material.

Each category contains information about players, the club in its various guises [HC&AC, Fartown, & Giants], the teams which have represented us, amateur clubs in and around the town, what Huddersfield was like in World War 1, and what went on in the action at the front.

In the boxes below, clicking on either the picture or the text will take you to the appropriate section.

Written Archive

The written material in the archive consists of programmes, year books, testimonial brochures, people's memories, plus lots more.

Oral Interviews

Teams of people interviewed supporters and players alike.

Visual Archive

Visually there are both photographs and videos.

Educational Resources

In addition to all this aged material, we are producing educational packages which will help schools follow the National Curriculum with real life examples.

Heritage Trails

We have some Heritage Trails; around the town centre, within the George Hotel, and around Wagstaff's Holmfirth.

The Heritage Project

You might want to know more about the project itself and how we have organised ourselves. There's a whole host of background material, including PowerPoint prsentations which are of particular interest to teachers.

Background To Archiving

We've had to learn a lot about the archiving process. We are freely letting you share this knowledge.

How YOU Can Help

So, exactly how can you help? There are lots of ways, not least by sharing your memorabilia with us.

Contact Us

Do you have a question for us?

There is a site search facility. Enter what you are looking for and a list of pages will be shown. Each of the results will open in a new tab ['page'] when you click on it.

These people have 'liked' us on Facebook. Perhaps you would too.

What people are saying about the Project

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